The world's first turntable orchestra
Thirty renowned DJs from around the world packed tightly into one room to create the world’s first full orchestra composed of only turntables
The Creative Process Behind Federico Barocci's Drawings
This exhibition focuses on the drawings of Federico Barocci (Urbino 1533/1535-1612) to gain an understanding of their most distinctive features
Propellerheads feat: Miss Shirley Bassey
History Repeating
Call Me By Monet: how Instagram hybrids turned pop into art
High art and pop culture have often been mashed together – but rarely as effectively as on three Instagram accounts delighting fans of Monet, Alexa Chung and Harry Potter
Arts + Design - TED - Ideas
When you watch the Academy Awards, are categories like “sound editing” and “production design” your cue for a bathroom break?
Mantegna: maestro de la perspectiva y el escorzo
Fue uno de los artistas más destacados del Renacimiento y contribuyó decisivamente al desarrollo del Quattrocento italiano
Obras da Fundação de Serralves — Google Arts & Culture
A Coleção de Serralves integra atualmente para cima de 4300 obras, das quais mais de 1700 são propriedade da Fundação de Serralves